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1 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 8:53:09am

You signed up today to post this shit?

2 alinuxguru  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 9:08:28am

The video in question.

Who exactly is Mike Harris and how old was he the first time that he was dropped on his head as a baby?

3 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 10:32:17am

This seems more to me like "free publicity" rather than "drawing attention" since I have no clue who this guy is nor do I find youtube to be a media source which needs refuting.

4 Buck  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 10:38:00am

And yet "an offensive" you tube video has been used to excuse really bad behavior in the past....

This idiotic and dangerous conspiracy theory was started by the Iranian press. This is exactly how the "Jews were told to stay home on 9/11" conspiracy started. We know how far that one went.

5 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 10:42:55am

Gordon Duff==luap nor fan, so if this hatchling is reading him I would wager he's frequenting some cesspools.

6 Charles Johnson  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 10:55:35am

What the fuck?

7 alinuxguru  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 11:32:05am

Can someone please explain the downdings of the post? MEMRI is a well-respected watchdog group.

8 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:19:01pm

re: #3 Locker

well youtube is just the vehicle its from MEMRI... unless you missed that part.

9 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:19:58pm

It is possible that the post is for "free publicity." If so, that is rather grotesque. It is possible that the motives of the post are less than pure. But I think it is premature to jump to that conclusion without hearing more from the poster.

That said, let's look at the *actual post*

The fact is that this is not a "you tube" video in of itself. This was not made for youtube and it was not put together by someone ranting into his speaker camera.

MEMRI has taken heat from certain quarters as presenting a biased view of Middle Eastern media. The complaint generally goes that all they show is the awful stuff that Middle Eastern media puts out and never shows anyone in the Islamic media/political scene in a good light. The complaint is also that MEMRI doesn't "even handedly" show bad Israelis.

Yet, MEMRI has never been accused of a false translation and the nasty media of the Middle East really is out there in spades.

So, Iranian state television blames the Jews for the Newton shootings. Is this really surprising?

If Fox news is dangerous propaganda, and we hate that, what is the power of State run propaganda 24/7? Is the story (that they brainwash their people this way) less important or somehow not true?

So there are American anti-semites who blame the Jews... Go figure. But is the story that there are American assholes like this somehow not true?

10 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:23:33pm

re: #5 Randall Gross

wow what an intelligent post.... in fact I came across the article by Duff when someone told there is a nut job spewing shit that Israel is behind the massacre. I then looked into it and came across the video... Im not an ostrich that puts its head in the sand, I will read these psychotic opinions and inform myself...

but thanks for assuming and jumping to conclusions like a douche

11 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:23:36pm

re: #3 Locker

This seems more to me like "free publicity" rather than "drawing attention" since I have no clue who this guy is nor do I find youtube to be a media source which needs refuting.

And it also shows a side of the Middle East that damages your narrative of "nasty Israelis" by showing that they really do have terrible enemies. It is so much easier for you to pretend it does not exist.

12 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:28:18pm

re: #5 Randall Gross

Gordon Duff==luap nor fan, so if this hatchling is reading him I would wager he's frequenting some cesspools.

Thanos, how does this post make Duff look good? Further, we have dozens of posts about the gruesome stuff that gets said by the freepers, hot air, Geller et al... all the time.

To post that stuff (about why it is bad) you have to frequent those cess pools.

13 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:32:06pm

re: #11 Mad Prophet Ludwig

And it also shows a side of the Middle East that damages your narrative of "nasty Israelis" by showing that they really do have terrible enemies. It is so much easier for you to pretend it does not exist.

You don't get to decide what my narrative is and jam it into my mouth man. Worry about your own self and if that's too much for you then kindly fuck off.

14 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:33:11pm

Also a quick glance at the youtube page shows that this dickwad "Mike Harris" has a lot of other videos of his own with this as his special talking point. Someone is paying him money to spout this stuff.

15 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:33:16pm

re: #9 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Thanks for the post, it had nothing to do with free publicity at all, and the fact that some of these other people are so ready to burn me at the stake says a lot about them...

I first head of this site years ago when they exposed a fake image, excuse me if I cannot remember exactly which war it was, but the point is someone photoshopped more smoke and damage into a war scene that made it look worse than it was. I understood that this site exposes falseness in all forms of media and sought out the truth. I have seen dozens and dozens of 'right wing nut jobs' i.e. Beck, Gellar etc etc posted on this site. So was all that free publicity? Or was it the exposure of lunatics who we need to understand so we can counter?

16 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:34:23pm

re: #15 Thrazidun

Thanks for the post, it had nothing to do with free publicity at all, and the fact that some of these other people are so ready to burn me at the stake says a lot about them...

So I make a mild comment and you downding me and claim I'm burning you at the stake. You better put on your asbestos underwear new fish cause it's gonna get a lot worse than that.

17 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:35:14pm

re: #15 Thrazidun

Thanks for the post, it had nothing to do with free publicity at all, and the fact that some of these other people are so ready to burn me at the stake says a lot about them...

I first head of this site years ago when they exposed a fake image, excuse me if I cannot remember exactly which war it was, but the point is someone photoshopped more smoke and damage into a war scene that made it look worse than it was. I understood that this site exposes falseness in all forms of media and sought out the truth. I have seen dozens and dozens of 'right wing nut jobs' i.e. Beck, Gellar etc etc posted on this site. So was all that free publicity? Or was it the exposure of lunatics who we need to understand so we can counter?

The answer to that is that people here are used to getting trolled by a lot of nasty folks. Sometimes that makes them suspicious of the motives behind a provocative post.

18 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:36:43pm

re: #13 Locker

Your narrative was written by you many times. You don't get to walk away from it.

re: #16 Locker

Melty much?

19 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:38:08pm

re: #18 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Your narrative was written by you many times. You don't get to walk away from it.

re: #16 Locker

Melty much?

Better start posting links to back up your bullshit man. Including the one earlier which was promoted where I cheered a Rabbi. Go for it and make yourself look stupid. Waiting.

20 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:44:59pm

re: #19 Locker

Wait, Locker, I am not trying to flame the crap out of you. I really am not.

Could it be that over the years many of your comments would be seen as a little harsh on Israel and a little forgiving of the other side? Could it be that your upding and downding history shows something of that bias?

In fact, could it be that your very post right here in this thread, discounting something real fits well with that perception?

Again, I am really not trying to get into a flame war with you, and I am certainly not going to go through everything you have ever written, much of it very good, but you shat all over this post without looking at a single one of its merits - why was that?

21 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 12:51:55pm

re: #20 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Wait, Locker, I am not trying to flame the crap out of you. I really am not.

Could it be that over the years many of your comments would be seen as a little harsh on Israel and a little forgiving of the other side? Could it be that your upding and downding history shows something of that bias?

In fact, could it be that your very post right here in this thread, discounting something real to fit with that perception?

Again, I am really not trying to get into a flame war with you, but you shat all over this post without looking at a single one of its merits - why was that?

I can handle a discussion. My years of comments (I don't do a lot of down dings unless you are talking about my regular down dinging of a bot poster) to which you are probably referring to always have to do with me arguing the fact that you can criticize a policy, decision or action of Israel without being anti-semitic. If you did happen to go back to my discussions on this issue you'd see that most of the time I'm playing defense.

In fact the very first time I was ever involved in a discussion on the subject I was called an anti-semitic jew hater by at least 7 different people for asking a question. A pre-qualified question where I stated I didn't know anything about the subject. That lead to me being attacked for being anti-semetic for liking Gandhi who was apparently anti-semitic for suggesting Jews jump off cliffs rather than kill or submit to Hilter in a conversation about non-violence.

I do not like the one sided bullshit. I do not like the "Israel can do no wrong and you can't say boo or you're a jew hater". This is not about Israel at all, for me, it's about people and their bullshit arguments.

22 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:02:05pm

re: #3 Locker

I have to agree.

Why this garbage is evenb being discussed is beyond me.

This is like trying to have a serious conversation about something published by Der Sturmer or Stormfront, or the like.

Talking about this assigns them a credibility they do not have- or will ever have.

23 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:02:14pm

re: #21 Locker

I don't blame you for hating the idea that critiquing Israel makes one an anti-semite.

However, I am not claiming Israel is perfect, I am certainly not calling you an anti-semite and most importantly, neither is this post doing that.

On the flip side, Iran (the actual state of Iran) from both the religious and political leadership really does loudly want to wipe Israel off the map. Their client Hamas, really does have in its charter no just the elimination of Israel, but the murder of all Jews everywhere.

The charter of these guys calls for genocide. They are not exactly shy about this fact either. They themselves broadcast it. Hell they even ran on it. Given that, they were elected by strong majority. It follows that populace who elected them is OK with that.

So in general, anything said to make them seem "not as bad" as they really, in the real world are, is either ignorance, willful blindness or out and out anti-semitism.

24 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:03:03pm

re: #9 Mad Prophet Ludwig

See my response to Locker.

25 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:03:14pm

re: #23 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Not talking about the post man, talking about your definition of my narrative.

26 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:03:24pm

re: #22 researchok

I have to agree.

Why this garbage is evenb being discussed is beyond me.

This is like trying to have a serious conversation about something published by Der Sturmer or Stormfront, or the like.

Talking aout this assigns them a credibility they do not have- or will ever have.

And I disagree. The issue is not that we have some homegrown Nazis in America. The issue is that this is Iranian state television.

27 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:03:44pm

re: #24 researchok

See my response to you.

28 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:06:47pm

re: #25 Locker

Not talking about the post man, talking about your definition of my narrative.

OK, I have the perception that you have a certain "pox on both their houses" view of the middle east, that if both sides would just put aside their silly religious myths everyone would get along, that Israel is at least 50% to blame for all of this, and that you feel that Israel is given far too much of a pass for its military actions.

If I am wrong about that, then I am very happy to be wrong.

29 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:06:49pm

re: #26 Mad Prophet Ludwig

And this is news? They've been doing it for decades.

The way I see it, let them put up what they please.

They only hurt their own credibility.

LVQ, thjs is like you having to put up with alchemists or fkat earthers. Give them all the platform (rope) they desire.

30 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:07:05pm

re: #23 Mad Prophet Ludwig

So in general, anything said to make them seem "not as bad" as they really in the real world, is either ignorance, willful blindness or out and out anti-semitism.

So what did I say to make Iran seem "not as bad"? My initial comments are along the lines of "Don't give attention and publicity to hate, all they want is attention.".

Same reason why I don't like seeing article after article about what Sarah Palin says... if we stop giving her attention, her voice has a lot less power.

31 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:07:35pm

re: #16 Locker

Wait a second- why is anyone downdinging Locker?

32 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:08:50pm

re: #30 Locker

Sarah Palin- and what- no Kucinich???

33 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:10:16pm

re: #28 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Not to worry- Locker is stand up.

Like you, he doesn't suffer fools

(Clearly I am the exception you both make)

34 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:11:54pm

re: #29 researchok

And this is news? They've been doing it for decades.

The way I see it, let them put up what they please.

They only hurt their own credibility.

LVQ, thjs is like you having to put up with alchemists or flkat earthers. Give tem all the platform (rope) they desire.

Yes, they have been brainwashing their populace for decades that Jews want to eat their babies and all manner of despicable sins. They have been brainwashing their populace for decades that Jews are inherently evil sub-humans.

Is it possible that after generations of these lies and this sort of STATE SPONSORED propaganda, it will negatively impact any hope of peace?

The reason this is important is it goes to the fact that forcing concessions for peace on Israel is ridiculous because the other side wants them all dead.

35 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:13:36pm

re: #28 Mad Prophet Ludwig

OK, I have the perception that you have a certain "pox on both their houses" view of the middle east, that if both sides would just put aside their silly religious myths everyone would get along, that Israel is at least 50% to blame for all of this, and that you feel that Israel is given far too much of a pass for its military actions.

I am wrong about that, then I am very happy to be wrong.

No on the pox thing, no on the religious myths thing and the percentage thing I don't really have an opinion on one way or another. Personally, I don't like dehumanization and some "pro-Israel" articles linked here talk about the Palestinians the way a mosque arsonist talks about Muslims.

Israelis are people. Palestinians are people. In general they all want to be happy, love their friends, family and children, etc.

Should Israel accept rockets raining down? No. Would we accept Mexico shelling San Diego? Hell no we'd level the place.

Should all Palestinians be treated as rocket launch crews who only want to kill every Jew on the planet? Doesn't seem reasonable to me either.

Should we ignore the stark difference in the quality of life between Palestinians and Israelis? No more than we should ignore those differences here.

I'm very issue based AND open to information which may shift my opinion. I don't respect zealots on any side of an issue.

36 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:15:30pm

re: #34 Mad Prophet Ludwig

No argument here.

Decades of propaganda will have exactly that effect.

Something to consider:

Imagine a school that gave each student a glass of alcohol every day. Each day, beginning at tender nursery school age, the child was encouraged to drink the beverage that would come to poison his spirit, soul and mind.

Suppose that beverage was from the well aged bottle of anti Semitism.

Suppose also that once that child downed that alcoholic beverage, the teacher refilled that glass with more alcohol. This time, the flavor is religious bigotry directed at non Jews.

Imagine once that glass of alcohol was consumed by young dutiful children, the glass was immediately refilled with the beverage from the bottle of anti western and anti democratic values.

After decades those children, now adults, go home every day, turn on the television and read the newspapers and they are fed more alcohol. They get yet more when their kids come home from school, and share the same familiar poisoned ‘fire water.’ They poison they are fed gets the God’s seal of approval when fed to them from the pulpit- or so they desperately need to believe.

Of course, to keep a drunk or a junkie hooked, it takes an ever increasing amount of poison to induce the same stupor that blinds the drunk or the junkie to his own surroundings and dysfunction. The supply of poison never ends.

After years of such ‘education,’ it would be reasonable to expect that there would be a lot of alcoholics in the Arab world deliberately poisoned by the hate and ideologies of dysfunctional and corrupt leaders. Like alcoholics and substance abusers, they will tell you they ‘have it under control‘ and that they ‘can quit anytime they want.‘ In the Arab world, that translates into, “We really are civilized, it’s only the injustices of others that causes us to behave the way we do. We seek justice.” They are blind to their own dysfunction, they are blind to their own deceit and remain so by embracing hate.

LVQ, I could go on and on but when all is said and done, the biggest victims of ME psychopathology are the Arabs/Iranians, not the Israelis.

37 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:30:51pm

re: #35 Locker

No on the pox thing, no on the religious myths thing and the percentage thing I don't really have an opinion on one way or another. Personally, I don't like dehumanization and some "pro-Israel" articles linked here talk about the Palestinians the way a mosque arsonist talks about Muslims.

We agree. Though people who talk arson of mosques get rightly banned.

Israelis are people. Palestinians are people. In general they all want to be happy, love their friends, family and children, etc.

We agree - to a point. Germans are people too. That doesn't mean that many of them didn't go in for genocide. Americans are people too... look what we did to the Indians. Our genocides were successful. There are no more Chespeake or Susquahanna to name just two very large tribes. We got all of them. Or, you can ask the Chinese what ordinary Japanese did at Nanking and Harmin.

While I take your point that people are people and everyone has human rights, I can't ignore the darker aspects of ordinary people either.

Hamas is crystal clear that they want to kill all Jews everywhere. The Palestinians voted for them in a landslide.

Part of what makes ordinary people into such monsters is the very sort of de-humanizing propaganda that we see in this video. Research, that puts paid to your assertion that there is no relevance.

Should Israel accept rockets raining down? No. Would we accept Mexico shelling San Diego? Hell no we'd level the place.

And yet, Israel has very pointedly not leveled the place - to the extent of risking the lives of their own people in ways that Americans would not. In fact, the military ignorance of many on this issue makes me furious. There were over 100 people killed on the Arab side in the last violence. That is numerical proof that the Israelies were trying very very hard not to hit civilians.

If you want to look at what it looks like when the government doesn't care, look at neighboring Syria where more than that die daily.

Should all Palestinians be treated as rocket launch crews who only want to kill every Jew on the planet? Doesn't seem reasonable to me either.

Well, they did VOTE FOR launching those rockets... Even so, they are pointedly NOT targeted.

Should we ignore the stark difference in the quality of life between Palestinians and Israelis? No more than we should ignore those differences here.

And who is to blame for that? Israel pulled out of Gaza completely and left a lot of very expensive infrastructure in place for the Palistinians to inherit - greenhouses and all sorts of things. What did the Palis do with it? The Palestinians destroyed it all themselves. They get more aid per capita than any other group on the planet to the tune of many thousands of dollars per person per year. Where does that money go? It doesn't go to building an economy - it goes to war.

There would be no embargo if not for the weapons smuggling. There would be no wall if not for the suicide bombers. There would be no military cleanups if not for the rocket attacks that took over when the walls stopped the suicide bombers.

Whose fault is that - especially since they don't want peace and they voted for this?

I'm very issue based AND open to information which may shift my opinion. I don't respect zealots on any side of an issue.

Me too.

38 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:39:15pm

re: #36 researchok

I will take your bolded text to respond to. You are correct.

But, it doesn't matter one bit.

If someone is trying to murder me, his fascinating psychopathology does not make me offer up my life out of sympathy.

It is important in terms of changing the psychology to prevent future attacks. But then again, you came on thinking such demonstrations of the psychology at a state level were not important.

And yes, that was a zing to you. You know I respect you, but I could not disagree more.

39 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 1:59:28pm

re: #38 Mad Prophet Ludwig

LVQ, I do not for one second believe the Israelis ought bck down- not for one second.

That said, if you want to fight successfully, you have to know your adversary.

Wars are not one only on the battlefield. Hell, that is the easy part.

We have to get them to listen,to respond in an appropriate way. That means understanding their sorry, dysfunctional asses and dealing with them in a way they can relate to.

Remember when you (very patiently and kindly, I might add) responded to my question of how we knew global warming was indeed man made and not only a natural phenomena? You responded in a language and way I could understand- and by the way, I have repeated that lesson now many times to others.

You can't talk to me like you can to another physicist, even at the most basic level. There are some things I might have to explain to you.

Same thing there. Their politics and political considerations are very different than our own.

They also conflate religion with politics (by design. Dysfunctional leadership has them in public and private)

At some point we are going to have to deal with them and their dysfunction.

And one more thing- a reality check.

Israel to a large measure was crested and defined by a large group of dysfunctional people as well.

People who, with backs still smoldering came and built a nation. And they can home at night to no parents, spouses, siblings or friends.No one was untouched by the Holocaust.

Think about that for a minute. The magnitude of evil that was visited upon these people- and they, who had every reason to demand the world take care of them, built a nation not for their broken selves but for the generations to follow.

What did those Holocaust survivors in 1948 and beyond have to celebrate? With whom? No families, no wives, husbands or children in tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of cases. Each of the six million plus victims had family taken from them.

And what did they come to her? 'W'ELL FINISH WHAT HITLER STARTED!

Only it was the broken regimes, not the poor bastard trying to eke out a living and who had to shit in the streets. This wretched lot were promised a paradise if only they were to hate and kill. So what did these poor bastards have to lose- as they saw what Israel was becoming. Can you blame them?

LVQ, this will not be resolved on the battlefield only.

Yes, Israel has the right- and obligation to defend herself from her enemies- but we need to be clear we have to deal with te generals in one way and the rank and file in another way.

Have you noticed the Arab Spring has become less and less about Israel?

There is a reason for that.

40 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 2:25:35pm

re: #39 researchok

I almost don't know how to respond to that. On the one hand, everything you have said is patently true to the extent of utter obviousness - though I am going to quibble a little with your Holocaust analysis (but not yet). On the other hand, I am a little hurt that you think you need to explain such obvious truths to me.

However, what you said is important enough and true enough that it bears repeating. I'm just taking a little umbrage that it is possible you think I don't get that - or worse might be unsympathetic.

Of course, I have sympathy for it. I also have sympathy for every poor bastard who was ever marched off to war by evil leaders and had no real choice in the matter.

Let's make it really concrete. Some poor 18 year old German kid with a head full of propaganda who got marched off to Normandy, and suffered all the hell the Allies gave him, is a tragedy. Under other circumstances, he was probably even a nice guy. He loved his family, loved his girl, and he would probably have been someone who you would have a beer with in later years.

If only his head wasn't filled with lies... If only he was the sort to risk his life and buck a society that would have killed him for protesting... But he wasn't that super-human sort of saint, he was just a kid.

The worst tragedy of war is that you still need to kill him, while knowing this.

Why? Because if he wins, and he is a good kid who will fight with all his heart, then the world plunges into darkness. I am perfectly willing to count that kid as another victim of Hitler. The nearly unspeakable tragedy is that none of it matters one bit once the shooting starts. It is him or you. Your blood is no less red, and letting your well meant, valid and nobly stated, sympathy prevent you from doing what is necessary in that situation, will get you killed.

Now that said, the Holocaust point...Israel would be the rightful homeland of the Jews whether or not there was a Holocaust and the majority of Jews to Israel were not Holocaust survivors. First off there was always a Jewish population that had been there since ever. The first and second alyot (large migrations from Europe) happened in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and then there were close to one million Sephardi Jews who were expelled from Arab nations after 48. Those people had everything they had taken from them and they were turned into refugees. Funny how no one talks about their rights as refugees.

Another difference in this conflict is that the Jews took in those refugees, the Arabs pointedly and cynically did not take in a lesser number of Palestinians displaced in the conflict.

But I digress, the issue is that while the effect of the Holocaust on the Jewish national psyche is incalculable, the Zionist movement predates it by over 60 years and there were over a million Jews in situ already clamoring for a recognized state in their own homeland. Also, note that the Balfor declaration is almost two decades before the second world war. The reason for the quibble is that linking Israel to the Holocaust gets turned into anti-Israel propaganda really quickly, because it implicitly denies the people's longstanding connection with the land and turns the state into a gift out of pity, rather than the rights of the indigenous people whose homeland it was.

41 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 3:22:26pm

re: #10 Thrazidun

wow what an intelligent post.... in fact I came across the article by Duff when someone told there is a nut job spewing shit that Israel is behind the massacre. I then looked into it and came across the video... Im not an ostrich that puts its head in the sand, I will read these psychotic opinions and inform myself...

but thanks for assuming and jumping to conclusions like a douche

What an unintelligent post. Were you frequenting a cess pool to find the post or not? My comment is factual, yours is ad hominem, that makes you the douche.

42 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 3:31:30pm

re: #41 Randall Gross

What an unintelligent post. Were you frequenting a cess pool to find the post or not? My comment is factual, yours is ad hominem, that makes you the douche.

Thanos, I respect you and your posts very much. However,


We have dozens of posts about the gruesome stuff that gets said by the freepers, hot air, Geller et al... all the time. Obviously, the people here who made those posts looked in those cess pools (and of course those sites really are cess pools).

If the poster is a total wingnut, eventually, that will become clear from his posts. However, from this post, there is no evidence of such. You have not pointed to any other of his posts that show this either.

You are being abusive to the poster for no obvious reason.

43 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 3:39:23pm

re: #10 Thrazidun

Fling an insult, get a downding.

44 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 3:40:53pm

re: #43 Dark_Falcon

Fling an insult, get a downding.

DF, he did not start flinging. You are usually so fair it is irritating. Ironically, this is one of the reasons I have always liked you. Please be fair now.

45 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 3:57:53pm

re: #44 Mad Prophet Ludwig

DF, he did not start flinging. You are usually so fair it is irritating. Ironically, this is one of the reasons I have always liked you. Please be fair now.

He called Thanos a douche, which struck me as insulting and unneeded. But I did upding the thread and another of his comments, so it was balanced out.

re: #40 Mad Prophet Ludwig

This post got favorited, because it exactly captured the moral logic of war. In war, sometimes good men may have to kill another good men, because that may be the only way to prevent a disaster. To borrow an example from Band of Brothers, the way to think is not "Damn those 101st paratroopers for shooting up a supply convoy with no warning or chance to surrender." but instead "Damn Adolf Hitler for starting a war which forced them to do that."

46 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:06:39pm

re: #45 Dark_Falcon

He called Thanos a douche, which struck me as insulting and unneeded. But I did upding the thread and another of his comments, so it was balanced out.

re: #40 Mad Prophet Ludwig

This post got favorited, because it exactly captured the moral logic of war. In war, sometimes good men may have to kill another good men, because that may be the only way to prevent a disaster. To borrow an example from Band of Brothers, the way to think is not "Damn those 101st paratroopers for shooting up a supply convoy with no warning or chance to surrender." but instead "Damn Adolf Hitler for starting a war which forced them to do that."

Thank you for that. And you are right calling someone a douche was not right, but hell, if I were making my first page and got that reception, not based on anything I said in the post per-se, but just because - I would be pissed too.

47 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:11:27pm

re: #42 Mad Prophet Ludwig

There is a difference between political cesspools and racist and bigote cesspools.

Just sayin'

How as to your earlier comment I will respond tomorrow. You raise some important issues and they desrve a thougfhful respoonse.

Right now, I'm up to my eyeballs in quarks (whatever they are).

Yeah, I eavesdrop on Ira Flatow.

48 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:14:29pm

re: #47 researchok

There is a difference between political cesspools and racist and bigote cesspools.

Just sayin'

How as to your earlier comment I will respond tomorrow. You raise some important issues and they desrve a thougfhful respoonse.

Right now, I'm up to my eyeballs in quarks (whatever they are).

Yeah, I eavesdrop on Ira Flatow.


I might know a little about that...

Don't tease me.

49 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:17:13pm

re: #48 Mad Prophet Ludwig


I might know a little about that....

Don't tease me.

Raises hand. "Three quarks for Muster Mark", right? /

Although now 6 are known, which spoils the reference a bit...

50 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:20:07pm

re: #49 EPR-radar

Raises hand. "Three quarks for Muster Mark", right? /

Although now 6 are known, which spoils the reference a bit...

You know about how Gell-man named them!

Wait.. EPR... does your screen name refer to that EPR?

It is always cool to chat physics with another physicist.

51 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:23:04pm

re: #50 Mad Prophet Ludwig

You know about how Gell-man named them!

Wait.. EPR... does your screen name refer to that EPR?

Bell's theorem!

Yes. A very cute idea that I shamelessly stole from a video game series I'm fond of. Pity it is impossible under physical laws as presently understood.

52 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:25:14pm

re: #43 Dark_Falcon

Sorry but I wasn't flinging I was responding... re-read from the top, #5. Is pretty funny that for a lot of people here the first thing is to assume and attack... which pretty much goes against the whole analyse and discuss which is what I thought this site was about... but whatever... Ill obviously think twice about ever posting or even visiting here again...

53 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:25:58pm

re: #51 EPR-radar

Yes. A very cute idea that I shamelessly stole from a video game series I'm fond of. Pity it is impossible under physical laws as presently understood.

Groovy... Are you a physicist and what is your field?

54 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:27:40pm

re: #47 researchok

One other note:

There is a difference between political cesspools and racist and bigote cesspools.

When talking about freepers, Fox nation, Hot Air, Geller et al... what difference is that?

55 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:29:41pm

re: #41 Randall Gross

You are a fool sorry to say... and no I was not surfing cesspools or whatever you want to call it, I got the link from my friend who is a religious Jewish man who shared it on Facebook because he wanted other Jewish and non Jewish people to be aware of these psychos... It may be hard for you to understand but not everyone out there is as smart and well informed as you.

but of course your first reaction is to call me a hatchling and talk shit... and then cry about how I responded to you calling you a douche... which apparently you actually are...

56 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:30:08pm

re: #54 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Real, serious calls to genocide.

57 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:31:46pm

re: #53 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Groovy... Are you a physicist and what is your field?

My degrees are in electrical engineering, mostly lasers, optics and device physics, but I do know enough about general physics to a) have some appreciation for how much I don't know or b) make an ass of myself, depending on that day's luck.

58 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:37:09pm

re: #56 researchok

Real, serious calls to genocide.

That is a very interesting point.

Let's assume that I respect your very substantial apparent expertise in the psychological realm.

If I understand your distinction, you are distinguishing between some blowhard screen beret and and a true genocidal monster. I don't doubt for a second that you have some insights into how to tell the difference, or that the majority of posters at those wingnut sites are more bark than bite.


I take the view that a call for genocide is a call for genocide. I also take the view that there are certainly some number of those posters who would like it to happen if they could make it happen. There is clearly some sort of slope where the idea goes from unthinkable - to acceptable - to would encourage it to happen - to would want to participate.

Many of those comments are prima facie evidence that they are already at the "would encourage it to happen" phase.

Much like our previous discussion, I agree that there are all sorts of subtleties that we could go into, but, the end result is the issue.

59 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:37:56pm

re: #55 Thrazidun

Awfully defensive, I'll have my eye on you. you smell like a sock. Also for the record I frequent cesspools all the time, it's how you learn about these asses. Your response illustrates a lot about you.

60 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:38:13pm

re: #57 EPR-radar

My degrees are in electrical engineering, mostly lasers, optics and device physics, but I do know enough about general physics to a) have some appreciation for how much I don't know or b) make an ass of myself, depending on that day's luck.

I'm into fluids and chaos theory, though I started life as a string theorist. I've done a lot of work with optical experiment into chaos and fluids.

61 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:40:01pm

re: #59 Randall Gross

Awfully defensive, I'll have my eye on you. you smell like a sock.

And if he is, it will become apparent. On the other hand, just suppose he is someone who has been lurking for a while and decided to finally post. He wasn't given the fairest reception.

62 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:42:01pm

re: #60 Mad Prophet Ludwig

I'm into fluids and chaos theory, though I started life as a string theorist. I've done a lot of work with optical experiment.

Should be plenty of interesting work to do in fluids and chaos, including applications (e.g.,better understanding of turbulence, possible control of it).

With respect to string theory, it looks like that may be sliding into the "not even wrong" category. Is that why you switched?

63 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:43:05pm

re: #61 Mad Prophet Ludwig

And if he is, it will become apparent. On the other hand, just suppose he is someone who has been lurking for a while and decided to finally post. He wasn't given the fairest reception.

However, a long-time lurker would know to expect excitement with a such a page title...

64 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:43:59pm

re: #58 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Fair questions.

Consider the following- a blowhard is just that- he or she won't actually commit, serious time, money or effort.

The Nazi types embrace a lifestyle- the Pam Geller devotees embrace a few minutes on stage, so to speak.

The Nazi types want to dinstinguish themselves from the mainstream- the hers want you to believe they are a part of the mainstream

You are a real deal physics guy, doing real work and real research.

The Mad Scientist franchisee entertains kids after school and at birthday parties. He shows kids the 'magic' of science, uses big words, etc.

There is a big difference between you and him- and I'm no taking about the balloons.

65 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:44:17pm

re: #62 EPR-radar

Should be plenty of interesting work to do in fluids and chaos, including applications (e.g.,better understanding of turbulence, possible control of it).

With respect to string theory, it looks like that may be sliding into the "not even wrong" category. Is that why you switched?

I am not aware of a not even wrong death knell for strings. Why do you say that?

66 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:44:42pm

re: #60 Mad Prophet Ludwig

I'm into fluids and chaos theory, though I started life as a string theorist. I've done a lot of work with optical experiment.

Speaking of chaos, in my previous reply, I forgot to mention that one of my hobbies these days is Mandelbrot set images. I may put up a page on the topic if anything sufficiently interesting comes up.

67 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:46:41pm

re: #59 Randall Gross

you smell like a sock

No doubt, that is the Alaska mountain man in you.

68 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:46:45pm

re: #59 Randall Gross

lol hold on let me get this straight... you frequent the cesspools you attacked me about, and called me names over??? (which was a complete false accusation). I assume you see the 50k tons of hypocrisy you just dumped on yourself... I don't know what to say to be honest... If you go around looking for the worst in people you are most likely going to find it.. peace dude

69 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:46:52pm

re: #55 Thrazidun

your first reaction is to call me a hatchling

uh oh...

70 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:47:45pm

re: #64 researchok

Fair questions.

Consider the following- a blowhard is just that- he or she won't actually commit, serious time, money or effort.

The Nazi types embrace a lifestyle- the Pam Geller devotees embrace a few minutes on stage, so to speak.

The Nazi types want to dinstinguish themselves from the mainstream- the hers want you to believe they are a part of the mainstream

You are a real deal physics guy, doing real work and real research.

The Mad Scientist franchisee entertains kids after school and at birthday parties. He shows kids the 'magic' of science, uses big words, etc.

There is a big difference between you and him- and I'm no taking about the balloons.

Well said, and I appreciate both the analogy and its nuanced subtleties. However, for a genocide to happen the lifestyle becomes the mainstream. Part of that process is making ever more horrible things OK through repetition.

I have little doubt that many of the commentors on those sites would acquiesce to a genocide of Muslims, and some really do want it to happen. In all such cases it is dangerous and the end of that road if unchecked is an actual genocide.

71 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:48:05pm

re: #68 Thrazidun

Back off. You nothing of the guy.

And your attitude speaks volumes.

72 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:48:51pm

re: #61 Mad Prophet Ludwig

As a matter of fact I have tried many times to register, and have been told its closed. Just so happens I came across this link and tried to register and it was opened. Not sure what lurking means but I have been reading this site (not religiously but most days) for many years.

73 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:49:43pm

re: #68 Thrazidun

OK... this response is really not doing you any favors.

If I have to go and apologize to everyone who smelled a sock when you first posted, I am going to be pissed at you.

74 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:49:50pm

re: #70 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Well said, and I appreciate both the analogy and its nuanced subtleties. However, for a genocide to happen the lifestyle becomes the mainstream. Part of that process is making ever more horrible things OK through repetition.

I have little doubt that many of the commentors on those sites would acquiesce to a genocide of Muslims, and some really do want it to happen. In all such cases it is dangerous and the end of that road if unchecked is an actual genocide.

All true- but for now, I have confidence in America.

We allow for stupid but most people, in th eende, are pretty decent.

Stupid maybe, but decent.

The Nazi types, well, that's a whole other story- and pathology.

75 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:51:55pm

re: #71 researchok

My attitude??? are you kidding me right now? The guy totally attacked me for no reason whatsoever... what because he is a long time poster that gives him the right? I don't get your justification...

76 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:54:14pm

re: #75 Thrazidun

My attitude??? are you kidding me right now? The guy totally attacked me for no reason whatsoever... what because he is a long time poster that gives him the right? I don't get your justification...

Like I said earlier, there are a lot of people here who are used to being trolled by very unpleasant sorts.

If you just made a post that got misunderstood, let it just be that and move on.

77 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:54:51pm

re: #65 Mad Prophet Ludwig

I am not aware of a not even wrong death knell for strings. Why do you say that?

Some recent popularizations have been skeptical on the subject.

E.g., The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin

Not Even Wrong by Peter Woit

More seriously, the possibility of a link to experiment appears to be getting increasingly remote. Experimental evidence of physics beyond the standard model just isn't being seen, as far as I know (counting the Higgs as part of the standard model). This is a problem for all theorists, of course, not just for string theory.

78 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:55:27pm

re: #73 Mad Prophet Ludwig

I'm sorry man I just don't get it... I was in no way trying to stir up some sort of fight... I am very confused

79 researchok  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:55:38pm

re: #75 Thrazidun

Well, he was right.

And he is more than a long time poster. He's one of the smarter people on here.

Engage him in civil conversation- you'll be better for it.

80 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:57:02pm

re: #52 Thrazidun

Sorry but I wasn't flinging I was responding... re-read from the top, #5. Is pretty funny that for a lot of people here the first thing is to assume and attack... which pretty much goes against the whole analyse and discuss which is what I thought this site was about... but whatever... Ill obviously think twice about ever posting or even visiting here again...

You could not possibly have chosen a worse way to introduce yourself. Posting an obviously inflammatory video of a racist nutjob repeating outrageous Iranian conspiracy, with very vague and ambiguous comment as to whether you endorse this horseshit or not, while mentioning yet another nutjob.

If your intention was to raise a shitstorm, congrats, you succeeded. Now here's a shovel.

81 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:57:49pm

re: #78 Thrazidun

I'm sorry man I just don't get it... I was in no way trying to stir up some sort of fight... I am very confused

Yeah, that I sympathize with. I've lost my temper with that more than once. The difference is that everyone here knows me for a very long time.

82 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 4:58:33pm

re: #80 Vicious Michigan Union Thug

You could not possibly have chosen a worse way to introduce yourself. Posting an obviously inflammatory video of a racist nutjob repeating outrageous Iranian conspiracy, with very vague and ambiguous comment as to whether you endorse this horseshit or not, while mentioning yet another nutjob.

If your intention was to raise a shitstorm, congrats, you succeeded. Now here's a shovel.

Shouldn't that be, "now let me take your shovel away"?

83 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:00:48pm

re: #80 Vicious Michigan Union Thug

You could not possibly have chosen a worse way to introduce yourself. Posting an obviously inflammatory video of a racist nutjob repeating outrageous Iranian conspiracy, with very vague and ambiguous comment as to whether you endorse this horseshit or not, while mentioning yet another nutjob.

If your intention was to raise a shitstorm, congrats, you succeeded. Now here's a shovel.


He said:

"but I would like to draw attention to this because people like this are extremely dangerous. (This video also coincides with an article I read by Gordon Duff)"

I assumed that he meant the Iranian propagandists were extremely dangerous.

ORIGINAL POSTER: NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO JUST SAY THAT. It would be a good idea and clear up a lot of angst.

84 CuriousLurker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:05:46pm

re: #72 Thrazidun

As a matter of fact I have tried many times to register, and have been told its closed. Just so happens I came across this link and tried to register and it was opened. Not sure what lurking means but I have been reading this site (not religiously but most days) for many years.

From your Page:

Hey guys new to the group, not sure if you usually have youtube videos up but I would like to draw attention to this because people like this are extremely dangerous.

Your story is sounding kinda shaky. If you've been reading this site for many years, then you'd know what lurking means and you'd be well aware that numerous YouTube videos are posted here every day.

re: #78 Thrazidun

I'm sorry man I just don't get it... I was in no way trying to stir up some sort of fight... I am very confused

It was explained to you in #17 that this site gets trolled regularly (yet another thing you should already be aware of if you're familiar with LGF), yet after posting a video guaranteed to stir things up, instead of trying to calmly explain yourself you've come out swinging. First impressions tend to stick, so good luck with that.

85 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:08:07pm

If I read you wrong I will admit so at a future date, but right now I'm not convinced.

86 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:08:25pm

re: #84 CuriousLurker

It was explained to you in #17

DO NOT MENTION COMMENT #17!!!! (yet another thing you should already be aware of if you're familiar with LGF)!!!


87 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:09:45pm

OK... Let me start again...

I am new member to the site, but have been reading for a few years. A friend of mine who I have know forever, who is a extremely orthodox Jewish man, posted this on his facebook. The reason being is to show other members in the community just what kind of dangers and nut jobs there are out there. I think the material in the video is appalling, but I do feel like it needed to be shared. I, in no way whatsoever, agree with any part of the video except that it was posted. I have seen lots of posts here about outrageous opinions from zealots, which I assume was for the purpose of educating ourselves against that sort of madness. That is precisely what I had intended. I didn't want to offend anyone or make anyone think I was trying to start a fight.

So if I can get a fresh start that would be much appreciated. (and I will be much more careful about what I post or at least make sure I preface it properly next time... still a newb here...)


88 CuriousLurker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:11:26pm

re: #86 wrenchwench

DO NOT MENTION COMMENT #17!!!! (yet another thing you should already be aware of if you're familiar with LGF)!!!


Was it comment #17, the super seekrit mysterious one?? E gad! //

89 Skandal  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:11:26pm

re: #47 researchok

You don't have to dive into the racist and bigoted cesspools to be aware of the vile anti-Semitic theories being peddled. I read about this story a few days ago:


90 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:13:16pm

re: #77 EPR-radar

Some recent popularizations have been skeptical on the subject.

E.g., The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin

Not Even Wrong by Peter Woit

More seriously, the possibility of a link to experiment appears to be getting increasingly remote. Experimental evidence of physics beyond the standard model just isn't being seen, as far as I know (counting the Higgs as part of the standard model). This is a problem for all theorists, of course, not just for string theory.

While I agree that there is no clear experimental approach to it yet, the hypothesis, to the best of my knowledge, can not be discounted either.

The issues with string theory are well known and the string folks will be the first to tell you them. One of the biggest is that there are so far, six string theories (as in mathematical formulations, well 5 and one is a type of SUSY) that fit everything else we know. We do not know which of those universes is the actual one.

However, those formulations all shed a lot of very compelling light on other things we do know or at least give a consistent mechanism to other things we were pretty certain had to be true. A discussion of black hole entropy is not for here - but a number of Hawking's calculations are supported by a string framework.

All that said, the universe is a tricky place. No one responsible is willing to say that the hierarchy problem won't raise its head (i.e. no surprises between here and the string scale). No one is claiming that the formulations we have now are the formulation.

But, there is a very good chance that either the string theories or something mathematically equivalent to them in the appropriate limit will turn out to be a good piece of the picture.

91 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:15:34pm

re: #86 wrenchwench

re: #88 CuriousLurker

Care to explain that?

92 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:18:48pm

re: #87 Thrazidun

The thing is we already know most of these creepy crawlies, so when you post one and then casually mention another one that's favored by the paleo libertarian Ron Paul / Weyrich /Lew Rockwell crowd it will set off alarms.

Thrazidun - MMORPG'er or D&D?

93 CuriousLurker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:20:00pm

re: #87 Thrazidun

That's a lot better--knowing the context helps.

You can post whatever, just be careful what sites you link to because some will get you in hot water (not just with other posters, but with Charles). If you're not sure, ask first.

BTW, calling new members "hatchlings" is not an epithet, it's standard around here (yet another thing I thought you'd have known, but I'll leave it alone for now).

94 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:21:25pm

re: #92 Randall Gross

lol that one you got right... Stopped playing most except for WoW.

95 EPR-radar  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:21:38pm

re: #90 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Thanks for your take on this situation. "Not even wrong" is an over-statement of the problem that has been used to sell at least one book. I shouldn't have used it myself.

96 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:24:19pm

re: #93 CuriousLurker

Ok I really always thought that meant like you are an insect i.e. you hatched... /facepalm misunderstanding.. sorry

97 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:27:54pm

re: #94 Thrazidun

lol that one you got right... Stopped playing most except for WoW.

I gave up WoW a while back but I've gamed online since UO, where I used the name above.

98 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:29:10pm

re: #97 Randall Gross

ack, right now it has my real name, I keep forgetting ... back then I was Thanos.

99 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:30:22pm

re: #97 Randall Gross

the new Pandaria expansion is amazing... I know a lot of people thought it would be childish (kung fu pandaesq) but its great and they actually do some crazy story-line work by the end... no spoilers dont worry ;)

100 Randall Gross  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:31:37pm

re: #99 Thrazidun

the new Pandaria expansion is amazing... I know a lot of people thought it would be childish (kung fu pandaesq) but its great and they actually do some crazy story-line work by the end... no spoilers dont worry ;)

My son is loving it.

101 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:37:34pm

re: #99 Thrazidun

re: #100 Randall Gross

I am still very fond of Old Republic.

102 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:41:19pm

re: #101 Mad Prophet Ludwig

Oh yeah I played SWTOR as well... just for a few months... it was really good but I enjoyed WoW better so I went back... its a little easier for my computer to run lol

103 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:47:11pm

re: #102 Thrazidun

Oh yeah I played SWTOR as well... just for a few months... it was really good but I enjoyed WoW better so I went back... its a little easier for my computer to run lol

That's fair.

WoW became too much of second job for me to enjoy. It is always fun leveling up, but for me, always a drag waiting for a PUG or having to schedule your life around raids.

104 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:49:05pm

re: #102 Thrazidun

Of course I felt much the same about SWTOR after I leveled my various Jedi... But the crowd I am with is much older and more mellow than a lot of the Wow people so it feels less like a job and more like a game to me.

105 Thrazidun  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 5:59:35pm

re: #104 Mad Prophet Ludwig

ok yeah.. my guild is all 'mature' players as well so its relaxed. There is no nonsense and trolling... Raid nights are amazing, its a lot of fun (we are actually just starting the new progression in Jan)... Its actually much easier if your raid leader knows exactly what to do in every situation... we have a stellar one lol... anyway, if you ever want back in, come to mal'ganis! :)

106 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 6:09:03pm

Of note on the original post. Micheal Harris was according to numerous sites an Arizona republican who ran for the governorship in 2006.

107 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 7:01:37pm

re: #87 Thrazidun

OK... Let me start again...

I am new member to the site, but have been reading for a few years. A friend of mine who I have know forever, who is a extremely orthodox Jewish man, posted this on his facebook. The reason being is to show other members in the community just what kind of dangers and nut jobs there are out there. I think the material in the video is appalling, but I do feel like it needed to be shared. I, in no way whatsoever, agree with any part of the video except that it was posted. I have seen lots of posts here about outrageous opinions from zealots, which I assume was for the purpose of educating ourselves against that sort of madness. That is precisely what I had intended. I didn't want to offend anyone or make anyone think I was trying to start a fight.

So if I can get a fresh start that would be much appreciated. (and I will be much more careful about what I post or at least make sure I preface it properly next time... still a newb here...)


That can be given, I think. I regret you got kind of pounded on your first day, but we've had some troll attacks here lately and when the trolls are especially bad the folks here can get fairly suspicious of new people. But speaking for myself, you've got a fresh start with me.

And just so you know, 'hatchling' is what we at LGF call people who are new to the blog. It's derived from LGF regulars referring to ourselves as 'lizards'. It should not be taken as demeaning in any way.

108 rosiee  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 7:47:07pm

When I read that registration was open I too cracked my egg.

109 stabby  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 9:11:52pm

Haven't bothered reading the thread.

This is the THIRD article posted on this, mine being the first.

The other two weren't downdinged, but they were better written >.>

111 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 9:58:28pm

re: #87 Thrazidun

Context counts. Upding for copping to your shit. That's all that matters in my book... well that and effort, which you've also made.

112 Locker  Thu, Dec 20, 2012 9:59:45pm

Guildwars 2 is where it's at these days in the MMO kingdom. First one was good but very limited. This one is amazing, constant new content and no monthly fee.

113 rosiee  Fri, Dec 21, 2012 12:16:06am

Planetside 2! (if you like fps)

114 RadicalModerate  Fri, Dec 21, 2012 7:32:41am

Just found something interesting.
Not only was Harris the former GOP Campaign finance chairman, but he is a bonafide neo-Nazi, with ties to individuals like the late J.T. Ready.


If you look at the picture in the article, that is Harris to Ready's right holding the sign.

115 Buck  Fri, Dec 21, 2012 4:41:08pm

re: #40 Mad Prophet Ludwig

But I digress, the issue is that while the effect of the Holocaust on the Jewish national psyche is incalculable, the Zionist movement predates it by over 60 years and there were over a million Jews in situ already clamoring for a recognized state in their own homeland. Also, note that the Balfor declaration is almost two decades before the second world war. The reason for the quibble is that linking Israel to the Holocaust gets turned into anti-Israel propaganda really quickly, because it implicitly denies the people's longstanding connection with the land and turns the state into a gift out of pity, rather than the rights of the indigenous people whose homeland it was.

Repeated because I think it is the most important part. The land of Israel was not given to the Jews because of some pity gift related to the holocaust. It was returned to the Jews almost 20 years before the rise of Hitler. It was based on the “historical connection of the Jewish people to Palestine and the grounds for reconstituting their national home there,” a binding international commitment to the Jewish people that has never been revoked.

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